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Conseil d’administration

Paul Raboud
Headshot of Paul Rabboud
Paul Raboud

Chair of the Board of Directors, Member of Audit Committee, Human Resources and Governance Committee, and Health, Safety & Environment Committee

Paul R. Raboud is the Chair of the Board of Directors. Mr. Raboud joined Bird in 1984 in the Toronto office. He progressed through Bird as a field engineer, estimator, project manager, and assistant district manager. In 1990, he was appointed manager of the Vancouver District, and in 2000, he returned to the corporate office in Toronto as Executive Vice President. He was appointed President and Chief Operating Officer in March 2006, and Chief Executive Officer in September 2008. In June 2010, Mr. Raboud stepped down from his position as Chief Executive Officer into the role of Vice Chair of the Company, remaining in that position until his retirement on March 3, 2017. Mr. Raboud was appointed as a Director in September 2008. He obtained a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Alberta, where he was awarded the gold medal in civil engineering. He earned a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Washington and an MBA from the University of Alberta. He is a registered Professional Engineer with the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario. Mr. Raboud is a past Chair of the Ontario General Contractors Association and is a Director of Revera Inc. and Stephenson’s Holdings Inc.

Richard Bird
Headshot of Richard Bird
Richard Bird
Membre du comité de vérification
Membre du comité des ressources humaines, de la sécurité et de la gouvernance

Richard Bird a pris sa retraite de Enbridge Inc. au début de 2015 après avoir occupé la fonction de vice-président, directeur des finances. Il avait précédemment occupé les postes de premier vice-président pour les pipelines de transport des liquides, de vice-président principal, planification et développement de l’entreprise, et de trésorier.

Monsieur Bird compte 30 années d’expérience comme dirigeant de plusieurs sociétés ouvertes. Il est président du conseil d’administration de l’Alberta Investment Management Company, ayant précédemment occupé la fonction de président de son comité de vérification. Monsieur Bird est également membre du comité d’investissement du conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université de Calgary. En 2010, il a été nommé directeur des finances de l’année au Canada.

Il a obtenu un baccalauréat ès arts de l’Université du Manitoba, une maîtrise en administration des affaires et un doctorat de l’Université de Toronto, et a terminé le Advanced Management Program de la Harvard Business School.

Karyn Brooks
Karyn Brooks
Karyn Brooks 
Member of Audit Committee
Member of Human Resources, Safety and Governance Committee

Karyn Brooks was appointed as a Director in March 2017. Ms. Brooks retired from BCE and Bell Canada in 2014 where she was Senior Vice President and Controller, and she has been providing financial consulting services since then.

She is a member of the boards and audit committees of Information Services Corporation and The Calgary Zoological Society.

Ms. Brooks holds a Chartered Professional Accountant (Chartered Accountant) designation and was elected a Fellow of Chartered Professional Accountants Ontario in 2009. Ms. Brooks was named to the Top 100 Most Powerful Women in Canada in 2009. Ms. Brooks has contributed significantly to accounting standard setting and its oversight, both domestically and internationally. Ms. Brooks received a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) from Queen’s University.

Steve Edwards
S Edwards
Steve Edwards

Member of Audit Committee and Health, Safety & Environment Committee

Steve Edwards retired from Black & Veatch in August 2022, after a remarkable career of over 40 years. Mr. Edwards served as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Black & Veatch since November 2013 and had overall responsibility for the company's engineering, consulting, construction and related infrastructure businesses in the power, oil and gas, water, telecommunications, and food and beverage markets worldwide. Mr. Edwards joined Black & Veatch in 1978, and during his tenure was responsible for various global projects and business lines. He was named Chief Operating Officer in March 2013 before transitioning to Chairman and CEO. He was appointed to the Black & Veatch Board of Directors in 2012.

With revenues of $3 billion, Black & Veatch has been consistently ranked in the top ten categories for power generation, power delivery, water infrastructure development and telecommunications in Engineering News-Record magazine and ranked in the Top 150 of the Forbes list of Largest Private Companies. The company has also been ranked the 12th largest Employee-Owned Corporation in the United States according to the National Center for Employee Ownership.

Steve is a registered professional engineer and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Missouri.

J. Kim Fennell
Headshot of Paul Rabboud
J. Kim Fennell
Président du conseil d’administration

J. Kim Fennell is a veteran Silicon Valley executive, Board Director and angel investor/advisor with over 35 years’ experience in the technology industry. He was a CEO for 16 years at three companies and has 21 years of board experience (public and private). Mr. Fennell was at Uber Technologies in San Francisco for five years, most recently as the Global Head of Product Partnerships and Business Development for the US and Canada until December 2019. He had previously been CEO of deCarta, a leading mapping software company, before its acquisition by Uber in March 2015. Prior to deCarta, he held CEO positions at Pinnacle Systems and StorageWay Inc. He was an early executive at Octel, a global leader in voice technologies, where he opened subsidiaries in Canada, Europe, and Asia. He ran Octel after its acquisition by Lucent Technologies, where he also became a corporate VP. Prior to Octel, he was with ROLM Corporation.

Mr. Fennell’s current board of directors roles include WhereIsMyTransport (Cape Town) and SalesBoost (Dallas). Mr. Fennell was on the board of directors of Ritchie Bros. (TSX, NYSE: RBA) from 2017 to 2022. His non-profit boards include the Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation and C100, which supports tech entrepreneurs in Canada. Originally from Oakville, Ontario, Mr. Fennell graduated from Queen’s University with a B.A. (Honours) and the Stanford School of Business Executive Program.

Jennifer F. Koury
Headshot of Paul Rabboud
Jennifer F. Koury

Chair of Human Resources and Governance Committee and Member of Health, Safety & Environment Committee

Paul Raboud a été vice-président de Bird construction Inc. jusqu’au moment de sa retraite le 3 mars 2017. M. Raboud avait été nommé au poste de directeur en septembre 2008. Il a obtenu un baccalauréat en sciences en génie civil de l’Université de l’Alberta où on lui a décerné la médaille d’or en génie civil. Il a obtenu une maîtrise en sciences en génie civil de l’Université de Washington et une M.B.A. de l’Université de l’Alberta. Il est ingénieur agréé de l’Ordre des ingénieurs de l’Ontario.

M. Raboud s’est joint au bureau de Toronto de Bird en 1984. Il a gravi les échelons de Bird, occupant le poste d’ingénieur de chantier et ensuite d’estimateur, de gestionnaire de projets et de directeur adjoint de district. En 1990, il a été nommé directeur du district de Vancouver et, en 2000, est retourné au siège social de Toronto ou il a occupé la fonction de vice-président directeur. Il a été nommé président et chef de l’exploitation en mars 2006 et chef de la direction en septembre 2008. En juin 2010, M. Raboud est passé de son poste de chef de la direction à celui de vice-président de la Société. M. Raboud est l’ancien président de la Ontario General Contractors Association et l’un des administrateurs de Stephenson’s Holdings Inc.

Teri McKibbon
Headshot of Teri McKibbon
Teri McKibbon
President & Chief Executive Officer

Teri s’est joint à Bird en juin 2017 comme chef de l’exploitation et membre de notre équipe de la haute direction. En juillet 2019, Teri a été nommé président et chef de l’exploitation.

Il compte plus de 30 années d’expérience dans l’industrie de la construction. Pendant ces années, il a été reconnu pour ses capacités stratégiques, son engagement et son excellence opérationnelle. Avant de se joindre à l’entreprise, Teri a occupé pendant vingt ans des postes de haute direction et de direction auprès d’une entreprise générale de construction nationale, y compris celui de président-directeur général pendant les deux dernières années de son mandat au sein de celle-ci.

Teri est membre de l’Institut des administrateurs de sociétés (IAS) et siège à de nombreux conseils d’administration et de comités à Calgary. Il possède également la Certification sceau d’or de gestionnaire de projets décernée par l’Association canadienne de la construction.

Gary Merasty
Headshot of Paul Rabboud
Gary Merasty

Member of Human Resources and Governance Committee and Health, Safety & Environment Committee

Gary Merasty is currently the CEO of the Peter Ballantyne Group of Companies (PBGOC), the investment arm of the Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation. Before joining PBGOC in 2021, he was an Executive Vice President and Chief Development Officer with the North West Company, a publicly-traded company headquartered in Manitoba. He was responsible for the construction and project management division, sustainable development reporting, governance, communications, and community relations. He also served on the Board of Directors of the North West Company for seven years before joining the executive team in 2018. Mr. Merasty held a similar role with Cameco Mining Corporation as Vice President of Corporate Responsibility from 2008 to 2013.

He was the Grand Chief of the Prince Albert Grand Council, establishing them as one of Canada's most progressive and successful Tribal Councils. In 2006, Mr. Merasty was elected to Canada's 39th Parliament as a Member of Parliament. One of his proudest achievements was tabling a motion in the House of Commons apologizing to the survivors of the residential school era, which passed unanimously in 2007. In addition, Mr. Merasty has served on numerous boards, including the Saskatoon Airport Authority, Northern Career Quest, Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Corporation, West Wind Aviation, Sustainable Development Technologies Canada, and Institute of Research and Public Policy Canada.

Luc Messier
Headshot of Luc Messier
Luc Messier
Membre du comité de vérification
Membre du comité des ressources humaines, de la sécurité et de la gouvernance

Luc Messier est actuellement président de Reus technologies LLC, une entreprise qui se consacre au développement de nouvelles technologies.

Entre 2007 et 2015, M. Messier a occupé le poste de vice-président principal de ConocoPhillips, où il était responsable des projets mondiaux, de la chaîne d’approvisionnement mondiale et de l’ajout des services d’aviation mondiale en 2012. Avant de se joindre à ConocoPhillips, M. Messier a été président et chef de la direction de Technip USA. Antérieurement à Technip, M. Messier a été directeur de l’ingénierie, directeur de la gestion de projets et directeur général chez Bouygues Construction et chez Pomerleau. M. Messier a siégé aux conseils d’administration de Mercury et de Da Camera au Texas. Il est titulaire d’un baccalauréat en génie civil de l’Université de Sherbrooke et a étudié en administration des affaires à INSEAD.

Sophia Saeed
Sophia Saeed
Sophia Saeed
Member of the Audit Committee

Sophia Saeed has over 20 years of finance experience, spanning roles in accounting, mergers and acquisition (M&A) advisory, corporate development and investor relations. Ms. Saeed is the Vice President of Investor Relations at a major Canadian financial institution, where she plays a pivotal role in fostering relationships with key stakeholders including investors, equity research analysts and ratings agencies. Prior to moving to Investor Relations, Ms. Saeed held progressively senior roles in M&A advisory during her investment banking career and has a track record of completed international and domestic M&A transactions as a corporate development executive in both the financial services and infrastructure sectors. Ms. Saeed also serves as a director on the board of Family Service Toronto. Ms. Saeed is a Chartered Professional Accountant and has a BA from the University of Toronto and an MBA from the Ivey Business School.