Kitimat Sitka Lodge
Bird acted as the construction manager for Civeo Premium Camp Services 2,200-person Sitka Lodge camp project in Kitimat, BC. The scope of work on the 36-acre site included the design and construction of a one-kilometre municipal road past the site. Civil works included organics removal, rapid impact compaction and import fill material to grade, loop road, ditches and four settling ponds for storm water management. Underground utilities included sanitary complete with lift station and force main to district of Kitimat system, fire and water loop.
All electrical/communications and gas requirements were brought into a standalone utility building. The dorm foundations consisted of raft slabs with a three-inch crawl space. Modular units roof trusses, standing seam roof and cladding details were installed by Bird on the Civeo supplied and installed modular units. Bird worked to integrate the client’s internal design team and external designers to ensure the project’s schedule and budget remain in-line with the client’s expectations.
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